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"Western" leaders share a responsibility for the safety and security of its people. The international community has, through copious discussions, agreements, and documents, taken on responsibility to human beings, in general. The qualified leader who understands the power to substantiate human life and its quality, should possess the skills, clarity of vision, and empathy to utilize negotiation as the sole means of preventing and stopping violent acts such as war. There is always an instigator and victims; the road to peace is always daunting or challenging. Unqualified "leaders" or those who have personal agendas that require transparency will default to war, an uncivilized activity that does not secure safety and security and which usually sets pre-conditions for the next impasse. There needs to be a permanent ceasefire in Gaza so that the people may live with the dignity that each individual deserves and so that children can engage with the future they earned by being born.

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